Season Two: Reforming Orphan Care



Lauren is back with another season exploring the complexities of a global issue that engages many churches, but not always with a cohesive impact. As we follow the mandate of ‘pure religion’ outlined in James 1:27, what does it really mean to care for orphans and widows? What is the invitation to this work, and why isn’t it as simple as a few words in a New Testament epistle?

Hear the purpose behind this season, and how the conversations will address not only global orphanages, but also how vulnerable children should be guiding our thoughts and actions around criminal justice, infertility treatments, transracial families, and human trafficking. You will need to be Upwardly Dependent to hold these discussions well…

Join us here on Mondays and Wednesdays this season as we seek to place children and their flourishing back at the center of our care.

“There is a pervasive self-righteousness that flows through our churches when we see ourselves as better, smarter, and more equipped to parent the world’s children than their actual parents.”


Hosted by the ⁠⁠Kindred Exchange⁠⁠ Podcast Network.

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13. Why Revisit Orphan Care? with Brandon Stiver


12. My Why: Season One Summary