15. Shouldn’t we be Qualified Before We’re Called? An Academic Approach to Reforming Care with Dr. Kristen Cheney



When Lauren was in graduate school, she committed herself to bringing research and data to inform the ways Christians engage with humanitarian issues. Dr. Kristen Cheney is an incredible resource for Churches to understand the psychology of attachment, best practices around child protection, and the need for excellent qualifications in the field of child development in order to appropriately work in the field of care. As you listen to this episode, consider the years of research that has been done to help us better meet the needs of children in vulnerable places.

“ There’s no such thing as a good orphanage. It just doesn't exist and the better thing to do, even though it may be the harder thing to do in terms of donor desire, is to support children in families.”

“The fact is, when you have volunteers cycling through, they come and go, and those kids figure out not to attach to anyone in particular because they'll just leave you.”

“Sometimes the most effective activism is actually where something doesn't happen.”

Episode Highlights

3:13 - An introduction to Dr. Kristen Cheney and her research

8:38 - Adult adoptees’ perspectives on orphan care

15:12 - Understanding familial systems

28:00 - Orphan industrial complex: the monetization of everything “orphan”

44:55 - The attachment experience

59:58 - A better way to support children with your donor dollars

1:02:35 - The importance of being qualified before doing this work


Kindred Exchange - Become a monthly donor to support this show and our mission

Think Orphan - Learn more and listen to the podcast

Dr. Cheney’s Bio & Publications - Learn more about Dr. Cheney’s work and research

Hopeland - Learn more about the global initiative to end orphanage tourism

Crying for Our Elders - Order Dr. Cheney’s book today

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Connect with Dr. Kristen

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16. Caring for Vulnerable Families Demands a Church-Wide Response with Jedd Medefind


14. Family Preservation and the Complications of International Church Involvement with Megan Boudreaux